Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

American Exceptionalism

It’s been 248 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. The colonies were largely populated by people who came from European nations because of their religious freedoms being suppressed by the governments in charge. This resulted in a tremendous thirst for religious freedom that they heard about in the new world. Therefore, they made a dangerous journey by ship to the new world of British colonies. The King of Great Britain made a tragic mistake for himself by his actions of increasing taxation and suppressing religious freedoms. Therefore, the unrest among the leaders of the colonies increased year by year until they could tolerate no longer. Of the 55 signers of this Declaration, 52 were deeply committed Christians as to faithful study of the Holy Bible, church attendance, and prayers. The other 3 all believed in the Bible as The Divine Truth, and the God of the scriptures that intervenes in the affairs of men. Patrick Henry from the commonwealth of Virgina is famous for declaring passionately: “Give me liberty or give me death”. He also said after the founding of our country: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly nor too often this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by (true) Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ”. Thomas Jefferson said: “I have little doubt that our whole country will soon be rallied to The One True Creator and to the pure doctrines of Jesus”. George Washington said: “It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible … as indispensable pillars of moral support”. Thomas Jefferson believed that the Holy Bible was the best friend of their newly formed government because it penetrated the matters of the heart before a crime would be committed. In 1782, the U.S.A. congress voted this resolution: “The Congress recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools”. For 100 years, the McGuffey Reader (authored by William Holmes McGuffey) was used in public schools as a primary textbook for learning in several areas. McGuffey said: “The Christian religion is the religion of our country.” It helps us to understand the character of God and the unique reasons for our institutions being as they are. He also said: “For all these extracts from the Bible, I make no apology”. Of the first 108 universities started in America, 106 were distinctly Christian. At Harvard, a starting rule for incoming students was to learn Hebrew and Greek languages to assist them in better understanding the Holy Bible. The rallying cry during the Colonies Revolutionary War was this: “No King, but King Jesus”. Proverbs 14:34 reads: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. To me, the King of the Universe assisted the colonies in breaking away from Great Britain because of their righteousness. The founding fathers believed that the principles of their new government were fused with the principles of Christianity in an inseparable bond. In other words, they didn’t believe in separation of church and state; except, in the rare cases that the church needed protection from a tyrannical government, not vice versa. The first amendment was meant to protect the church from the government, not vice versa. It states that “Congress must not establish any laws to restrict religious freedoms”. The founding fathers also believed that self-evident truth is found in the Holy Bible, which is the final authority for faith and practice. For the first 150 years of our country, all laws passed by Congress were derived from faithful study of the Bible. The book of Deuteronomy was the most often quoted book of the Bible. Congressmen were avid students of HIS Word. The concept for our 3 branches of government came from Isaiah 33:22, which describes the LORD as Judge, Lawgiver, and King. Today as then, we have the judicial system with the Supreme Court at top, both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives as the lawgivers, and the King was replaced in name by the title: President. The Congressmen and the President were to be elected by the people. They no longer wanted a King that received his power to rule by inheritance. The idea of tax exemption for churches is found in Ezra 7:24. Court rulings identified the U.S.A. as emphatically Christian. In fact, the court considered it impossible for this country to be otherwise. Another court ruling decreed that you couldn’t have a school that didn’t teach Christianity and the Bible. The House & Senate Judiciary Committee of 1854 expressed this: “At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the Amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged. In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity. That was the religion of the founders, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants. The great, vital, and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ”. Separation of church and state is not in our constitution & amendments; but it is in the constitution of the U.S.S.R. - Russian Communist government. Separation of church and state is in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist group that was concerned about one Christian denomination being established as the state designated group that all peoples had to belong to. In that letter, Jefferson said that our Constitution & Amendments provided protection for all the Christian denominations from interference from the government.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Spirit Led Friendship Evangelism

John chapter 4 provides a dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well that uses 4 stages of personal evangelism that can be used by us believers today. Those 4 stages are in this order: (1) Start (2) Elevate (3) Probe (4) Prescribe. In the case with Jesus, HE expressed to this woman that HE desired a drink of water from the well. I share these 4 stages because it helps me to ask specific questions about the next direction to engage in. Oftentimes, the Spirit will direct me to a specific individual or group of individuals letting me know that HE has words for them. Immediately, I start asking questions about how to start a conversation with the individual or group of individuals. Getting a direction from the Spirit on how to start the conversation greatly helps the success of the witnessing endeavor. What helps me also in starting conversations is to being very observant in regard to print on a shirt or cap plus tattoos on a person’s arm. I know enough about sports to ask fairly good questions about a college or professional team that a person is a loyal fan to. People love you to ask their opinion about things that they are very familiar with. This is true all the way up and down the social classes of people. What about tattoos? Most of us Christians do not agree with tattoos being placed on parts of the body. Certainly, very few Christians would consent to this with our bodies. However, the Spirit has trained me to ask: “I noticed this tattoo here. What is the story behind it?” On one occasion, I asked a young man about a tattoo on his forearm with a feminine name placed on the tattoo. “What’s the story about it?”. The young man told me that it is the name of a cousin who recently died suddenly well before the normal life expectance. I answered: “Are you and your family struggling with grief over her death?”. He answered: “Yes”. Then, I responded with the offer to pray for him and his family. The young man told me that he would definitely appreciate that, so I prayed for him right there without waiting. Then, I shared with him more about the Word and the privilege of praying in the name of Jesus because of HIS death on the cross. When it is handled properly, touching people’s hearts with the spirit of prayer is an excellent gateway to the opportunities of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is another important aspect to know when you are starting conversations with others. Be bold and free to entertain a conversation about an idea, concept, or entity of which you know little about. Please realize that you do not have to be an expert in a matter before you can intelligently converse with someone about it. In fact, being a self proclaimed expert in a matter is very often a turn off to the other person engaging with you in that same matter. All you have to do is to know a little bit about it in order to ask questions about it. This describes what it means to be a conversationalist in the matter that is perhaps largely unknown to you. A conversationalist can easily inspire a shy person to become quite animated in his expressions because he is being asked to reveal what he is very familiar with. Now to the next step - elevate. Jesus elevated the conversation with this woman by informing her of living water that HE could give her. Every concept or mention to an entity in the Holy Bible has a matching component in the natural world. If you are very familiar with the contents of the Holy Scriptures; then, it becomes much easier to elevate the conversation. Jesus did this quickly with this dialogue with the woman at the well. Naturally, she wondered at this saying: “Sir, you have nothing to draw with and this well is deep. From where then have you this living water to draw from”. Jesus answers her: “Whosoever drinks of this water (natural water from that physical location well) shall thirst again. However, whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; because, the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting live”. She expressed interest in this living water that HE said that HE could give her. To this, Jesus commanded her to “Go, call your husband and then come here again”. To this, she answered that “I have no husband”. Jesus answered her statement here with this saying: “You have well said, I have no husband; because, you have had five husbands. Furthermore, he whom you now have is not your husband. In this, you have truly spoken the truth”. This is where Jesus is probing with the spiritual gift named the word of knowledge. Probe is the 3rd stage of this personal evangelism encounter. The spiritual gifts are very helpful in the manners of personal evangelism. After HE said this to her, she said: “I perceive that you are a prophet”. Then, she deflects from the call to her heart to receive salvation as she speaks of our fathers worshipped in this mountain (nearby), but Jews say that the city of Jerusalem is the place where all men ought to worship. Jesus responds with the call to worship the Father in spirit and in truth (twice in verse 23 & 24). Jesus stated that is more important than the location of worship. In all of this, Jesus deftly avoids an ongoing argument with her. When HE says this, the woman says unto HIM: “I know that when the Messiah comes (which is called Christ), HE will tell us all things”. Now, the conversation is ready for the 4th state - Prescribe. Jesus says unto her: I that speak unto you am HE”. Jesus prescribed HIMSELF as the answer to all questions. We prescribe HIM as the only Lord and Savior for mankind. There is an appropriate time to close or prescribe. Some Christians are afraid to start witnessing to others; because, they are afraid that an objection to accepting Christ might come up that they could not answer at that time. Here is an easy answer to that: “That doesn’t sound right to me, but let me get back to you”. By using this phrase, you are kindly and gently expressing your disagreement with what the non believer is communicating. However, you are also expressing a desire to keep the lines of communication open. Here is another way to deal with possible conflict. “If you are right and I am wrong, then my situation is that I am enjoying the delusion of the joy of serving the Lord. Now, if I am right and you are wrong, then what is your eternal destiny going to be?” Here is another thought to use: “If my life is being threatened by drowning, I would like to think that you would employ some means to rescue - either by swimming to me or extending a pole that I can grab then pulling me to safety.” Most times, the non believer would say that he would definitely try to help rescue me. Then, softly and gently say that this is exactly what I am endeavoring to do for you because according to the Word of God; you are in spiritual danger of eternal torment. More expressions of help later.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Fulfilling HIS Joy

At the time of HIS Passover supper with HIS disciples, the divine expectations of Jesus for the future were elevated above the normal human perspective. In John chapter 15, Jesus speaks of HIMSELF being the True Vine and HIS Father being the vine keeper. Every branch in ME that bears no fruit; HE takes it away so that it can be cast into the fire to be burned. Verses 2 & 6. Every branch that bears fruit, HE purges or prunes it so that it may bring forth more fruit. Verse 4 reads: “Abide in ME and I in you. As the branch can’t bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except that you abide in ME”. By so abiding in ME, you shall bring forth much fruit, as in verse 5. This is also the key to answered prayer. Then, Jesus says: “Herein is MY Father glorified when you bear much fruit: so shall you be MY disciples”, as in John 15:8. Jesus was expecting a group of disciples to bear much fruit. Jesus continues: “As the Father has loved ME, so have I loved you. Continue you in MY love”, as in verse 9. How does one know that he is continuing in HIS love? By keeping HIS commandments as in verse 10. Was Jesus making it difficult to walk in HIS ways to eternal life? Not according to John 15:11, which reads: “These things have I spoken unto you, that MY joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full”. Joy is greatly needed in our walk in HIM - especially when it involves dealing with the hate that the evil world has for us. That may include bodily persecution and even death. See what Jesus has to say about this in verses 18 to 25. In this Passover setting, Jesus emphasized 3 times HIS command to love one another, even as I have loved you. See John 15:12, 17 and John 13:34-35. The latter mention of this lets us know that this is how all men shall know that you are MY disciples (35). We may think that as Christians, we truly love one another. However, we need to search our hearts to see if we love each other as HE loves us. That is the key to John 15:8 & 16 being true - that whatsoever we ask of the Father shall be given to us. Jesus is also desiring that our fruit would remain, as in verse 16. Are you fulfilling HIS joy today? Have you received of the power of the Holy Ghost through the baptism in the Holy Ghost so that you can be effective in a very evil culture? Jesus told HIS disciples to wait in Jerusalem so that they could be endued with power to be HIS witnesses even to the uttermost parts of the earth. Are you willing to receive every help that the Father has to give to us?

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Restoration of Simon Peter

Simon Peter professed to be so sure that he would follow through with his proclamation that he would follow Jesus even if it meant prison and death. However, Jesus knew Simon Peter better than he knew himself on this issue. In Luke 22:33 is recorded these words from Simon Peter: “And he said unto HIM, LORD; I am ready to go with you, both into prison and to death”. This was on the backside of Jesus saying to Peter: “Simon, Simon, behold. Satan has desired to have you so that he may sift you as wheat. But, I have prayed for you that your faith fail not. When you are converted, strengthen your brethren (brothers).” Luke 22:31-32. After Simon Peter responds to that dark possibility from Jesus; then, Jesus said to him: “I tell you, Peter, that the cock (rooster) shall not crow this day before that you shall thrice (3 times) deny that you know ME”. Fast forward to the Gethsame Garden scene where Jesus is agonizing in prayer. In Luke 22:49 are recorded the words of HIS disciples: “LORD, shall we smite with the sword?”. One of them cut off the right ear of the servant of the High Priest as in verse 50. That one was Simon Peter according to John 18:10. Jesus picked up the cut off ear and restored it back into its place as in verse 51. After Jesus performed this ear restoration, HE said to Peter: “Put up your sword into the sheath. The cup which MY Father has given ME, shall I not drink it?”, as in John 18:11. This action and these words from Jesus must have stunned Simon Peter, who must have expected Jesus to fight for HIS life. Simon Peter fled from the scene like the other disciples did; however, he followed from far off, as in Luke 22:54. He sat with a crowd that was watching the priests interrogating Jesus. There was a fire kindled there. A young lady earnestly looking upon Peter as he sat by the fire. She said: “This man was also with HIM”. Peter denied that, saying” “Woman, I know HIM not”. After a little while, another saw him, saying: “You are also of them”. Peter blurted out: “Man, I am not”. After about the space of one hour, another confidently affirmed, saying: “Of a truth, this fellow also was with HIM: for he is a Galilean”. Immediately, Peter spoke out vehemently: “Man, I know not what you are saying”. While, Peter was yet speaking, the rooster crowed . See Luke 22:55-60. The LORD turned and looked upon Peter, who then remembered the word of the LORD concerning him at this time. (61) Then, Peter went out and wept bitterly. Peter did not know at that point that the Lord Jesus Christ would show HIS forgiveness and love to him then restore him to the work of the Divine Kingdom. Fast forward to John chapter 21. Simon Peter had talked other disciples into fishing. Not yet recognized as Jesus, HE was standing on the shore asking them if they had caught any fish. Then, HE told them to cast the nets on the right side of the ship. When they arrived on shore, they all recognized Jesus and accepted HIS invitation to eat what HE had prepared for them. After eating, Jesus began to dialogue with Peter. Three times, Jesus gives this question to Peter: “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love ME? The first time, HE adds these words: “more than these”. The first 2 times, Jesus uses the word “agape” for “love”. “Agape” means “a divine enablement to love with God’s love”. Each time, Peter answers with “phileo” for “love”. “Phileo” means “affection and a high esteem of the highest order”. Obviously, Simon Peter is not sure of himself as he was before. Peter adds: “Yea, LORD, YOU know that I love you”. The 3rd time, Jesus meets Simon Peter at the lower level of love that he is most comfortable with signified by the word “phileo”. What direction does the Lord Jesus Christ give to Peter each of the 3 times? Feed MY lambs and sheep. What is Jesus doing with that direction? HE is giving Peter a positive direction to dwell on rather than dwelling on his 3 denials of HIS Master? I am convinced that Peter was forgiven and restored; but, most importantly, Peter was given the ability to forgive himself.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Scriptures Ignored

Two men were walking on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus 7.5 miles from Jerusalem. They were devout Jews that were loyal to the Rabbi Jesus. Therefore, they were sad about the events of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus in the few days beforehand. Jesus joins them (undetected as being Jesus) in this walk to Emmaus. Jesus asks them why their countenance is so sad. Cleopas asked this man joining them if he was a stranger to Jerusalem so that he wouldn’t have heard of the recent events there. This story is found in Luke 24:13-32. This man asked: “What things (events) have happened? They answered: (The events) concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before both God and all the people”. They continued: “The chief priests and our rulers delivered HIM to be condemned to death and have crucified HIM.” Furthermore, “today is the third day since these things were done”. They went on to say that certain women of our group astonished us with their report that angels told them that HE was alive; but the male disciples didn’t see HIM alive. At that point, Jesus said to them: “O fools and slow to heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” Furthermore, Jesus asked them if they realized that it was necessary for these sufferings to happen to the Christ then for HIM to enter into HIS glory? Verse 27 tells us that Jesus began to expound (beginning with Moses) from the prophetic writings the things concerning this Jesus and HIS prophesied sufferings. Now, we suspend this story for a moment to direct our attention to a portion of Isaiah where Jesus surely referred them to. That would begin with Isaiah 52:13-15. There it talks about a servant that will be exalted after doing prudently, as in verse 13. In verse 14, there is indication that HIS visage (facial tone) would be marred more than any man (because the crown of thorns pressed upon HIS forehead would cause swelling of the face twice the size of normal with bruised colorations). HIS bodily appearance would also be marred more than the sons of men. Verse 15 speaks to the expanding outreach of the gospel to those who hadn’t previously seen nor heard with such an impact that even the global leaders would have to respect in the influence of their people so that the mouths of kings would be silenced. Now, in Isaiah 53:3-5 is a clear and accurate description of the sufferings of Jesus prior and upon the cross. Verse 6 mentions that “the LORD has laid on HIM the iniquity of us all, who have strayed away like sheep without a shepherd. Verse 7 mentions that HE opened not HIS mouth (in self-defense) while brought to HIS death like a lamb to the slaughter. Verse 8 mentions that HE was cut off from the land of the living and stricken because of the transgressions of MY people. Verse 9 mentions that HE died with the wicked (criminals) on the cross: yet, HE was buried in a rich man’s tomb (belonging to Joseph of Arimathae.) Verse 10 reads: “Yet, it pleased the LORD to bruise HIM and put HIM to grief; when YOU shall make HIS soul an offering for sin. (After HIS offering), HE shall see HIS seed (legacy of followers) and HE shall prolong HIS days (for an eternity). The pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in HIS hand (reign). Verse 11 reads: “HE shall see of the (great) travail of HIS soul; yet, HE shall be satisfied. By HIS (revelation) knowledge (of covenants) shall MY righteous servant justify many for HE shall bear their iniquities. The word “bear” here means “to lift up so that these can be removed”. Because MY servant has poured out HIS soul unto death; therefore, I will give HIM a great portion (inheritance) so that HE can give from it to HIS strong followers. See verse 12. HE was numbered (associated) with the transgressors so that HE can bare the sin of many as HE makes intercession for the transgressors. See Hebrews 7:25. The idea of “bare” here in verse 12 is to sustain us while we are growing into completion of maturity. Now, all of this biblical material in Isaiah is an obvious reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder then that the typical Jewish synagogue today refuses to have it read in their houses of worship. Therefore, this is a great example of Scriptures Ignored. Now back to our story in Luke chapter 24 as it relates to the 2 men on the road to Emmaus. They invite Jesus to abide with them in their dwelling place in Emmaus since dusk is approaching. As Jesus blessed the bread and broke it before giving it to them; their eyes were opened to recognize HIM as Jesus. Verse 32 reads: “Did not our hearts burn within us, while HE talked with us on the road as HE opened up to us the (prophetic) scriptures?”. The impact of HIS teachings resulted in a physical sensation in their emotions that they would never forget and it would remain with them for the remainder of their lives on earth. They were so astonished by this that they left that same hour to go back to Jerusalem where they found the eleven disciples gathered together plus others there. These 2 men reported to them what Jesus had expounded unto them from the prophetic scriptures. Why were they burning in their hearts so that they reported with passion to those in Jerusalem? The answer is that this restored their hope that God was completely in control. While the 2 men were still speaking, Jesus appeared in the midst of them saying: “Peace be unto you”. Verse 36. Then, Jesus presented HIS hands and feet for examination and touching. 1st John 1:1 records: “That which was from the beginning, whom we have heard, whom we have seen with our eyes ..and our hands have handled is the Word of Life. Verse 2 indicates that this Life manifested to them is the source of Eternal Life, who was with the Heavenly Father. Then, Jesus asked for meat to eat. They gave a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb, which He ate in their presence. Afterwards, Jesus further opened their understanding of the Scriptures concerning HIMSELF. Now, Jesus declares that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in HIS name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. This has been presented to you that you might believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the uniquely begotten Son of God, who gives to those (who believe in HIM) the right to become partaking sons and daughters of the One True God. Read John 1:12.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Verifications of HIS Death And Resurrection

Some religious groups have claimed that Jesus was in a “swoon” condition - appearing to be dead, yet not completely dead. To counter this, let us study the text of John 19:31-37. The Jewish leadership insisted that Pilate issue the order that the bodies be removed from the crosses because of the high sabbath day, as in verse 31. With 2 of the 3 crucified men, it was necessary to break their legs because they were still alive. (32) But when they came to Jesus, they saw that HE was dead already; therefore, the Roman soldiers didn’t break HIS legs. (33) Verse 34 reads: “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced HIS side. Immediately, there came out blood and water. This indicates that the spear pierced the pericardium (watery sac around the heart); thus, indicating a ruptured heart. If HE had died yet, the spear piercing deep into HIS side would have certainly killed HIM. These Roman soldiers were extremely skilled in executing the crucifixions plus in determining if a crucifixion victim had died. We believe that Jesus had already died previous to this spear piercing. John 19:30 ~ “HE bowed HIS head and gave up the ghost. At this point, Luke records (23:46) that Jesus said: Father, into YOUR hands, I commend (commit) MY Spirit”. The result of a ruptured heart is that the cavities of the heart and the surrounding vessels contained a watery fluid. The presence of blood and water gushing out separately indicates a surety of death. Consider that HE was flogged 39 times with a whip consisting of braided leather thongs intertwined with metal balls and sharp bone pieces before HE even got to the cross. This method of punishment would kill most men. The flogging resulted in the following. (1) The heart would face to pump blood that was lacking in the rest of the body. (2) Hypovolemic shock. (3) Exposure of internal organs to the outside elements. (4) The victim could collapse or faint due to low blood pressure. (5) Kidneys would shut down to preserve body fluids. (6) Victim would experience extreme thirst. The sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock causes fluid to gather in the sac around the heart and around the lungs. In other words, Jesus was in critical condition before HE was nailed to the cross. John 19:35 reads: “He that saw it (piercing by the spear) bears record of it and his record is true. He knows that what he says is true, so that you might believe”. We believe that verse 35 is referring to John, who was standing there with Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is so important that the leg bones of Jesus were not broken. God had commanded the Israelites not to break the bones of the Passover lamb as in Exodus 12:46 & Numbers 9:12. Psalms 34:20 is surely a prophecy about the legs of Jesus not being broken. John 19:36 reads: “For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of HIM shall not be broken. Another scripture fulfilled says, “They shall look upon HIM whom they pierced”. This refers to Zechariah 12:10. It is partially not fulfilled; because, the Israelites will later mourn for HIM with a great mourning as for an only son. That is when HE comes back as the conquering Messiah as described in Revelation chapter 19. Now as to the burial and resurrection, Joseph of Arimathaea requested Pontius Pilate to give him the privilege of burying the body of Jesus, as in verse 38. We believe that Jesus was laid in a tomb that Joseph had built for himself, as in Matthew 26:60. This serves as an important proof of HIS resurrection - a specific empty tomb that people in the 1st century A.D. could examine as they are deciding whether or not to join the Christian faith. Let us go to Mathew 27:65 indicates that Pilate gave orders for a Roman guard. From history, we know that this guard would be rotated every 4 hours so that the Roman soldiers would be fresh and fully awake. They also sealed the stone at the entrance tomb with a secure seal that would not be normally undone. (66) The women coming to the tomb wouldn’t know about this seal. The stone covering the tomb weighed 2 tons and required several men to set it in place against a rock conclave that kept it from further rolling downward. What happened to the stone is answered in Matthew 28:2, reading: “Behold, there was a great earthquake when the angel of the Lord descended from heaven. This angel (with supernatural strength) rolled back the stone from the entrance and sat upon it”. The countenance of the (giant) angel was like lightning and his clothing white as snow with sun in full strength shining upon it. Verse 4 reads: “For fear of him (the angel) the keepers (Roman guards) did shake and became as dead men (muscle paralysis)”. Matthew 28:11 indicates that these Roman soldiers in that guard detail told the truth unto the chief priests about the angel and what had happened. In response to this, the elders gave large amounts of money to the soldiers to tell others a different story about HIS disciples stealing the body of Jesus while we slept. (12-13) If Roman soldiers went to sleep during an important guard assignment, they would be executed to death. Therefore, the chief priests promised to protect them from order of execution by Pontius Pilate. To destroy the momentum of this Christ followers movement, the Jewish priest leadership only had to produce a credible corpse of Jesus. No biblical nor historical record of any attempts to do so. The greatest proof of HIS resurrection is the most radical and complete transformation of HIS disciples willing to make any sacrifices (including death as a martyr) to preach Jesus as far as possible as quickly as possible. They left their established occupations to be full time in preaching and teaching the resurrected Jesus despite all difficulties pressed against them. At one time, 500 believers saw the resurrected Jesus, as in 1st Corinthians 15:6. The facts have been presented to you. Now, what will you do with a resurrected Jesus? Will you give your life to the ONE who died for you to pay for your sins from a heart of great love for you then promises you HIS resurrection power to live a life pleasing to God? If not, you will be subject to eternal torment in a lake of fire.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Parameters of HIS trial, death, and resurrection

After Jesus asked HIS disciples who they thought that HE was, Peter responded with a revelation from the God, the Eternal Father, saying: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Matthew 16:16. Jesus responded by affirming Peter concerning this revelation. Upon this revelation of who Jesus is, HE will build HIS church and the gates (leadership) of hell shall not prevail against it. (18) From that time forth, Jesus began to reveal to HIS disciples how that HE must go to Jerusalem where HE would suffer many things from the elders, chief priests, and scribes leading up to HIS death. Then, Jesus would be raised up the 3rd day. (21) Now, Peter was right on with declaring the identify of his teaching rabbi; however, his response to what Jesus said that HE would experience in Jerusalem was influenced by Satan himself. (22-23) Peter rebuked Jesus saying: “Be it far from you, Lord. This shall not be unto you”. Jesus replied: “Get you behind me, Satan. You are an offence unto ME for you don’t savor (take pleasure in) the things that be of God. Instead, you savor the things that be of men”. Peter was a classic example of all the disciples. They heard the words about HIS trial, death, and resurrection. However, they didn’t let these words sink into their hearts. Why was it so important for Jesus to speak of this clearly and often? It was primarily for the purpose of preparing HIS disciples for the time of HIS trial and death. However, it demonstrates to us today that what happened to HIM was not a random happening in history. Instead, it was divinely calculated to be inserted in the events of humanity at the most appropriate time. Galatians 4:4 reads in part: “But when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth HIS Son…”. Now as Jesus is speaking to HIS disciples, HE is being more time specific concerning HIS trial, death, and resurrection. It’s obvious that Satan greatly influenced Peter in an attempt to move Jesus away from HIS firm decision to go through all of the predetermined sufferings including HIS death on the cross. It didn’t work as Jesus recognized the source behind these words of Peter. Jesus knew beyond any doubt that HE must suffer these things even if none of HIS disciples could accept it. Matthew 20:18-19 is another recording of HIS declarations of parameters in regard to HIS trial, death, and resurrection. Read this passage so that you could note that HE identifies the parties that will be involved in troubling HIM in HIS sufferings and death. Jesus speaks of being mocked, scourged, and crucified by the Gentiles. HE also mentions again that HE will rise from the dead on the 3rd day. Why is it so important that HE declares several times the time element of HIS resurrection? That is because it is the sign of HIS absolute authority likened to the sign of the prophet Jonah being in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Matthew 12:39-40. Therefore, Jesus was not placed on the cross on Friday. Simple arithmetic doesn’t come with 3 days and 3 nights if Jesus was resurrected before Sunday dawn. I believe that Jesus was nailed to the cross on Wednesday afternoon and died at approximately 3 pm. Wednesday to Thursday is one day. Thursday to Friday is the 2nd day. Friday to Saturday is the 3rd day. How much simpler could that be? Furthermore, the word “Easter” originally comes from the name for the goddess of fertility and should not then associated with our Christian celebration of Resurrection Sunday. Resurrection Sunday is a better and more appropriate term for this season of observing HIS crucifixion death and resurrection. Furthermore, the animal to be featured at this time is not the bunny rabbit, but the lamb pointing to the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Easter with all of its commercialized decor should be kept separate from our Christian celebration of Resurrection Weekend. The Jewish Passover occurred during this week of HIS death. The Gospels mention a preparation day or high day before the Sabbath begins. The Passover observation is a sabbath often different than the regular Sabbath that begins on Friday at dusk. Therefore, Jesus could have been crucified on a Passover day different than Friday thus providing an accurate and historical validation of HIS sign of authority likened unto the prophet Jonah.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Bait and Conquer

In the story found in 2nd Kings chapter 3, three kings with their armies formed an alliance with each other against the Moabites. After traveling several days, the livestock and the men sorely needed water. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, asked for a prophet to inquire of the Lord Adonai for them; therefore, Elisha was summoned to be there with them. Elisha let Jehoram, King of Israel, know that he was only inquiring of Jehovah for the sake of Jehoshaphat. Elisha requested that a musician be brought forth to play for him while he inquired. The message through Elisha started with these words: “Make this valley full of ditches”. This was a Word of Wisdom meaning it had to do with supernatural application towards the working of miracles. The Word of Wisdom is listed as the 2nd spiritual gift listed in 1st Corinthians 12:8 after the listing of the Word of Knowledge. It is definitely available to us today as well as the other spiritual gifts listed in 1st Corinthians 12:8-10. Digging the valley full of ditches sounded like a most silly battle strategy. However, it provided a dual purpose. First, the ditches were full of water; thus, meeting the need for water for livestock and men. Secondly, the Moabites thought that the armies had wiped each other out; because, they saw the color of the water as red as blood. Therefore, the Moabites rushed hastily without precaution into this valley. They placed themselves into an ambush as the 3 armies rose up to soundly defeat them and drive them back into their own country. 1st Corinthians 1:27 ~ “But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound (baffle, puzzle) the wise (of this world). It has pleased God that by the foolishness of preaching, HE saves those who will believe. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved, it is the power of God. 1st Corinthians 1:21 & 18. Are you willing to trust the wisdom of God even when it doesn’t make sense to your natural mind? HE is well able to lead you through to victories after victories.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Prerequisites for Miracles

A miracle can’t be explained by natural intelligence. However, for God to provide a miracle; He simply sets aside a law or set of laws then brings forth another peferred law to display. We have a partnership with God for the working of miracles. What must we do before HIS miracle is granted? Let’s study 2nd Kings 4:1-7 for clues. Generally, faith must be involved except in rare instances. Hebrews 11:6 ~ “Without faith, it is impossible to please HIM. He that comes to God must be believe that HE is and that HE is the rewarder of those that diligently seek HIM”. Certainly, Elisha had faith as evidenced by the many miracles that he affected. This widow woman had faith in Elisha’s walk before God. We can unite our lesser level of faith with a man of God, who has a greater depth of faith. Oftentimes, a desperate situation is involved - in this instance, the creditor is coming to take the widow’s 2 sons to be slaves so that the overwhelming debt could be eventually resolved. This would leave her without income to take care of her household expenses. No social security back then. In desperation, she cries out to the prophet Elisha. Desperation can drive us to pray more diligently. Elisha asks her what she has in the house. To this, she answers that she has nothing more than a small jar of oil. Perhaps, she has already sold some of her household items to pacify the creditors for a season. Obedience is required. Elisha received instructions to communicate to her as a word of wisdom. See the 2nd listing in 1st Corinthians 12:8. She now has a choice to make. Will she do what Elisha has communicated to her to do? She chooses to be obedient and tells her sons to borrow as many empty vessels as possible from the neighbors. Every miracle recorded in the Holy Bible has been preceded by a man of God acting in obedience. With the door shut, she begins to pour the oil from the small jar into the borrowed vessels until all of them were full. Then, she asked Elisha what to do next. Elisha instructed her to sell the oil so that she and her 2 sons could be sustained for a lifetime after the debt was wiped out. At first, these instructions seemed to be very odd. However, you often have to do that which is unusual to obtain exceptional outcomes that are desirable and in your best interests. Are you willing to do that as the Holy Spirit speaks to you.?

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

The Pearl of Great Price

The Pear of Great Price

A pearl today (depending on size and beauty) can cost from $11,000 upward. In the case of the opening text, it cost the merchant everything he owned. See Matthew 13:45-46. Likewise to receive the eternal life through Jesus Christ, you are required to turn your entire life over to HIM. Therefore, you don’t speak a final “No” to HIM; however, you can ask for clarification on a specific issue so that you better understand how HE is going to accomplish what HE wants to do. I am presenting an acrostic out of the letters that spell P.E.A.R.L. P is for Priest of a better covenant according to the power of an endless life being sacrificed once for all. Hebrews 7:22,16,20 &21. Also, read Hebrews 8:6-8. Once for all is found in Hebrews 10:10-12. E for Emmanuel meaning God with us. Not only was HE tabernacled in flesh from birth to actually dwell among us; moreover, HE lives inside of us now through the person of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would be to us what HE was. In the Gospel of John from chapters 14 to 16, HIS words about the role of the Holy Spirit are recorded. HE will teach us in order to lead us to all truth. HE will convince or convict us concerning sin and judgment to come. HE will give the finest counsel or advice possible. Finally, when we are presented before God, the Father with the Devil present; then, we will serve as our Advocate or Defense Attorney. A for Almighty God. There is no rival to HIS rightful status as the ONLY TRUE GOD. Demons through idols may convince a people to worship them. However, the only power they have is what humanity surrenders over to them; since, humanity is supposed to rule the earth. R for Redeemer. In the Jewish tradition, there is room for a kinsman redeemer. The biblical example of this to help us understand is the person of Boaz in the book of Ruth. Jesus is that; however, HE gathers in one group peoples from every tribe and tongue so that HE can adopt them into HIS Kingdom. L for Lord as Lamb of God than later as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. HE first appeared as the Lamb of God because of foreordained sacrifice on the cross; but, God wanted us to know that identified with us in our vulnerabilities and temptations. When HE appears again to all mankind, HE comes as an awesome Conqueror to slay all the armies gathered against Jerusalem. HE comes back with King of Kings & Lord of Lords written upon HIS vesture with a mighty roar of a Lion coming out of HIS mouth. Every tongue shall confess HIM as Lord and every knee shall bow to HIM. Have you done yet? If not, you will have to admit later; yet, you will suffer eternal torment for doing within your lifetime.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Keep A Firm Hold on the Sword

The idea for this title comes from a short, but powerful story found in 2 Samuel 23:9-10. Eleazar, is one of the 3 mighty men serving David. His name means “ God has helped”. When the rest of the Israelites retreated, Eleazar fought a large group of Philistines all by himself. When Jehovah provided a victory through Eleazar, the rest of the Israelites came back to strip the dead. While fighting them, Eleazar became very exhausted; yet, he kept fighting. God caused his hand to cleave to the sword so that he would drop it without fighting the Philistines. Have you battled against difficulties until you had difficulty keeping your thinking straight? Have you dealt with major stress points so long that you feel overwhelmed in your emotions? Have you cried so long and with so much anguish that you no longer have the strength to cry anymore? If you have; then you have an inkling of what Eleazar went through in this setting just to stay alive on that battleground. However, Jehovah Nissi gave a great victory to HIS Israelites through Eleazar, who stood alone on this battlefield. Can you stand alone without the help of other humans, trusting only in HIS help? Don’t back down and run away from a battle just because you think it’s beyond your ability to win that battle. Just make sure that you are CALLED to engage in a specific battle; then, give great consideration to these words from Jesus: “With God, all things are possible” . God rarely calls a man or woman to a task within the person’s ability to accomplish it. HE does this so that HE receives all the glory. I challenge you to ask and act upon the supernatural courage that only HE can give. God honors that. When Peter and John returned from speaking to the Jewish Sanhredin to be with their brethren; they did not pray for a let up of the persecution. Instead, they prayed for boldness and miracles as in Acts 4:29-31. Immediately, the place where they were was shaken by the power of God and some were refilled with the Holy Spirit. 1st Thessalonians 5:21 reads: “Prove all things. HOLD FAST that which is good”. Prove all things to be true or not to be true by a workman like study of HIS Word. Then faithfully support it as long as you live. Memorize scriptures as many as possible, building a bridge between your spirit and your mind.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Matters of the Heart

We begin our study of the heart with this scripture from Jeremiah 17:9, which reads: “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?” That is the condition of the heart of many that are not born again. Sometimes, it can be the condition of the heart of the disciple of Christ. Therefore, we should not allow our heart to be our only guide. Jesus never said such things as: “Listen and follow your heart . Be true to yourself. “ There is a reason for that. That’s why the Word of God known to us as the Holy Bible is so important for us to read and study so that it has the opportunity to change our hearts from desperately wicked and deceitful above all things to a sanctified heart that can be of great help in guiding us as long as we feel the peace of God in our hearts. Your heart must be changed by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and kept in the status of being discipled by HIS Word. Here’s a promise about that from Ezekiel 36:26-27. A new heart will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh. I will give you a tender heart toward ME so that you will follow MY decrees and laws. When HE has done this to your heart, you can trust your heart to be some great help in guiding you. Otherwise, your heart will follow a path to spiritual destruction such as in Proverbs 14:12. It reads: “There is a way which seems right to a man; but, the end of it leads to (spiritual) death. Therefore, guard your heart by keeping your heart tender and sensitive to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Can These Bones Live?

Ezekiel chapter 37 records an outstanding event. The prophet Ezekiel is carried by the hand of Yahweh to a valley of dry bones without his consent. There were many bones in this valley and they were very dry. Surely, the bones did stink. Yahweh had Ezekiel walk around the dry bones for a considerable time season. Likewise, we believers go through “dry” seasons - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. During these dry seasons, our prayers seem to hit the proverbial wall without the witness of the Holy Spirit that the prayers have been answered to the affirmative in the way that we wanted them to be answered. In these situation , our faith is stretched and tested with the hope of gaining a deeper trust in the ONE who has called us to serve HIM in HIS grace for us. This is what happened to Ezekiel when the Lord God asked him the question: “Can these bones live?”. Clearly, Ezekiel didn’t have the faith to believe that these bones could live; otherwise, he would have quickly answered: “Yes”. However, Ezekiel realized that his God had carried him there without consulting with him. Therefore, he realized that Yahweh must be up to something in regard to the dry bones. Therefore, Ezekiel chose the safest possible answer. He didn’t want to say “No”;; so , he said: “Lord, you know”. Despite his doubt, Ezekiel was commanded to partner with HIS God by prophesying over these bones to live , receive skin, sinews, and breath. The command to prophesy was not a suggestion or invitation. As Ezekiel prophesied as divinely commanded to do so, a tremendous resurrection took place there in the valley of dry bones so that an exceedingly great army stood up on its feet. Are you continuing to be the warrior that God called you to be by prophesying as HE tells you to do in the dry situations that you are dealing with?

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Jason Fowler Jason Fowler

Keep Looking to Jesus

It all begins with an idea.

Hebrews 12:2 ~ Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before HIM endured the cross, despising the shame. HE is now set down at the right hand of the throne of God. We keep our eyes focused upon Jesus because HE knows just what to do to bring us into our appointed destiny. The cross experience that HE endured did not stop HIM from completing HIS appointed destiny as Exalted Lord and Savior. In fact, it enhanced what HIS destiny was all about as the perfect sacrifice payment for our sins. Likewise, our eyes focused on HIM enables us to endure much pain on the way to finishing our appointed destinies. With this in mind, Hebrews 12:3 reads: “ For consider HIM that endured such contradiction of sinners against HIMSELF , lest you be wearied and faint in your minds”.

Keeping your eyes focused upon Jesus is a source of regenerating usual strength and stamina as it is a supernatural source. We can do this by attentive detail to the Holy Bible and sweet communion of fellowship with HIM through the person of the Holy Spirit.

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W.I.F.E. Factors

W.I.F.E. is an acrostic that stands for the 4 factors in the 1st generational church that contributed to great growth. W stands for worship. I stands for indoctrination. F stands for fellowship. E stands for evangelism - both personal and corporate. Worship is primarily an attitude of the heart that pleases God. It certainly involves the approach to coming to the place of fellowship. Psalm 42:4 ~ For I went with the multitude to the house of God with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept the holy day. Does that describe you? Do you come with joy in your heart or do you drag yourself in with great depression? How many pray for the Sunday morning worship service at their place of fellowship before and/or as they come there? Probably, 80% don’t do that. It may not be likely that 20% do pray for God to have HIS way in the Sunday morning worship service. The person referred to in Psalm 42:4 is a person that pants after God like a deer panting with thirst for water. Tears have been their meat day and night. This person is desiring to appear before God as soon as possible. If everyone in a congregation is as hungry and thirsty as this person described in Psalm 42:1-3, then there will be an impactful presence of God falling upon the people. Indoctrination is the formation of a set of biblical beliefs as close to proper Biblical interpretation as possible. In this case, it was the doctrines that the apostles had received from the Lord Jesus Christ. They continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine, as in Acts 2:42. Doctrines are extremely important to the work of sustaining us in walk of overcoming in Christ Jesus. Paul said to young Timothy, as recorded in 1st Timothy 4:16 ~ “Take heed unto yourself & to your doctrine. Continue in them. In doing this, you shall both save yourself and them that hear you”. Verses 12 & 13 read: “Be you an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, and in purity. (13) Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, and to doctrine”. Personal participation of Bible reading for verification and inspiration is needed so that the man of God may be perfect (matured) and thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2nd Timothy 3:16-17. Now, let us examine the benefits of fellowship. Acts 2:42 & 46. They also continued steadfastly in fellowship DAILY in the Temple and in houses. Person to person fellowship provides more benefits than you might think. Fellowship within the herd can provide safety from both the natural and spiritual predators. 1st Peter 5:8-9. The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The devil can’t devour just anyone as his prey usually includes those who are isolated from the herd. No wonder then that the writer of Hebrews strongly exhorts us to make sure we can continue assembling together as the Day of the Lord comes nearer. Hebrews 10:25 reads: “Forsake not the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another and so much the more, as you see the day approaching”. Evangelism is often simply the overflow of a healthy balance of other factors. Church growth = church health. Great growth in numbers added to the 1st generational church. We at Mt Zion Full Gospel Church plan to keep on learning about them and what happened to them. For years, I have been providing SPIRIT LED FRIENDSHIP EVANGELISM training. This has been a great help in helping believers come of shyness about sharing the Gospel. For others, it has helped those active in personal evangelism become much more proficient in handling major objections expressed by hardened sinners. The greatest joy of my walk in Christ is leading others to a salvation experience. I really do want you to have the same joy of leading others to Christ Jesus. Let me know if you desire my help in this.

Role of the Christian Dad

Ephesians 3:15 indicates to us that the whole family in heaven and earth is named (patterned) after the Heavenly Father. We are given biological Dads hopes of helping us understand God, the Eternal Father. Same idea with males being given the privilege of being biological Dads. The Holy Bible is filled with family terms involving an older Covenant and a newer Covenant. The hope is that we have a Dad, who is healthy in the emotional sense of relationships; therefore, we have no problem relating to the Heavenly Father as a person who cares about our best interests. That is why there is a biblical prescription of conduct for earthly fathers for dealing with their children. Ephesians 6:1-3 does deal with children obeying and honoring their parents, which is attached to the promise of a long life filled with good things happening. However, it is not just one sided. Verse 4 reads: “And you, fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but, bring them up in the nurture and admonition (instructions for warnings). Why? Because, your privilege to be a Dad is for the purpose of revealing what God, the Eternal Father is like. This is in hopes that your offspring will come to a salvation experience through Jesus Christ at an early age then continue in the same to the end of their lives here on earth. How important is this? Turn to Malachi 4:5-6. Elijah is sent before the great and dreadful day of the Lord in order to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. There were 400 years between the writing of Malachi and the days of John the Baptist plus Jesus Christ. During that time, there were difficult days of Israel. No prophet provided then. The Israelites had to hide in the hills because of the presence of a Syrian ruler named Antiochus Ephinanes, who sacrificed a pig in the Temple. A Dad molesting his daughter is the worst violation of this needed representation of the Heavenly Father. You would be surprised how many times it happens and the emotional devastation it causes. Daughters and sons should feel secure in their Dad’s care. This raises a female’s expectation for the males they date and marry. Other violations is the abandonment of the family he sired. Another violation is the lack of spiritual leadership from the Dad. The Dad should be the one in the family to lead in spiritual devotions for the family. There are Dads who do wonderfully in providing financially for their families; however, they provide little to nothing in the manner of spiritual provisions. The majority of prisoners in our prison systems get into trouble because of a fatherless syndrome. Because of this, God commanded the males of the entire nation to appear before HIM in a national gathering three times a year. No such command to the females; because, there is an acute need to train the males to be able to minister to their present and future families. See this command in Exodus 34:23.