Mars Hill Message

The controversy continues with the teaching of Paul in regard to the Gospel pertaining to the Lord Jesus Christ. Of the devout Greeks a great multitude and of the chief women not a few yielded to Christ in Thessalonica within 3 weeks. The non converted Jews, using lewd fellows, set all the city into a fiery uproar. They assaulted the house of Jason and did bring with others to the rulers of the city, crying: “These that have turned the world upside down have come here also”. They also said that contrary to the decrees regarding Caesar: These men have declared; “There is another King, one named Jesus”. This greatly troubled the people and rulers of the city upon hearing these words. Because of this uproar, Paul and Silas were sent to Berea where the Gospel was greatly received. The Bereans searched the Scriptures daily to attest what was being preached. A majority of them there believed. The troublemaking Jews in Thessalonica heard that Paul and Silas were preaching in Berea; therefore, they came there to stir up the people of Berea. The brothers escorted Paul to Athens. Paul could have decided to take a vacation in Athens or least wait for his reinforcements to show up. However, Paul was stirred up in his spirit because the whole city was trapped in idolatry - the worship of false gods. Matthew 11:12 ~ from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and violent take it by force. Paul couldn’t take a rest from preaching and teaching because his spirit was troubled by the sense of urgency about it all Therefore, Paul began to dispute with those in the synagogue and in the market places. Certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoics encountered him as they wanted to know more about what he was speaking of. Therefore, they escorted Paul to Mars Hill where Paul began to speak with much authority. He made reference to an altar with the inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD saying that this was a reference to the God whom you ignorantly worship. Paul said that it is the unknown God whom I declare unto you. This God is the creator of all things in heaven and in earth. There is no temple that could contain all that HE is as HE fills up all of the universe and beyond. This God is the self-existing God who does not need humanity in order to exist. Instead, HE gives life to all living beings. HE sustains their ability to live and function. This God, Paul continues, has made all of humanity to be of one blood. HE has determined the time and place of their habitations in times before of the actualities for such. In HIM, we live, move, and have our being. Paul reminds them that one of their esteemed poets declared: “For we are also HIS offspring”. Therefore then, we ought not think that a legitimate representation of the One True God can be made from a man’s artistic rendering of gold, silver, or stone. At times of such ignorance, God winked at us until the Gospel concerning HIM reached us. Now, HE commands that all men everywhere to repent. Now, the One True God has appointed a day in which HIS only begotten Son will judge the world in righteousness. That judging agent will be that man whom HE has ordained and given proof concerning HIM by the proofs of HIS resurrection. Upon hearing this, some mocked; yet, others said: “We will hear you again of this matter”. Of those who believed, there was a certain man named Dionysius the Areopagite and there was a woman named Damaris. When Paul left Athens for Corinth, he left behind the nucleus core for a New Testament church.


Power of Flexibility


Verifications of HIS Death And Resurrection