Scriptures Ignored

Two men were walking on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus 7.5 miles from Jerusalem. They were devout Jews that were loyal to the Rabbi Jesus. Therefore, they were sad about the events of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus in the few days beforehand. Jesus joins them (undetected as being Jesus) in this walk to Emmaus. Jesus asks them why their countenance is so sad. Cleopas asked this man joining them if he was a stranger to Jerusalem so that he wouldn’t have heard of the recent events there. This story is found in Luke 24:13-32. This man asked: “What things (events) have happened? They answered: (The events) concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before both God and all the people”. They continued: “The chief priests and our rulers delivered HIM to be condemned to death and have crucified HIM.” Furthermore, “today is the third day since these things were done”. They went on to say that certain women of our group astonished us with their report that angels told them that HE was alive; but the male disciples didn’t see HIM alive. At that point, Jesus said to them: “O fools and slow to heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” Furthermore, Jesus asked them if they realized that it was necessary for these sufferings to happen to the Christ then for HIM to enter into HIS glory? Verse 27 tells us that Jesus began to expound (beginning with Moses) from the prophetic writings the things concerning this Jesus and HIS prophesied sufferings. Now, we suspend this story for a moment to direct our attention to a portion of Isaiah where Jesus surely referred them to. That would begin with Isaiah 52:13-15. There it talks about a servant that will be exalted after doing prudently, as in verse 13. In verse 14, there is indication that HIS visage (facial tone) would be marred more than any man (because the crown of thorns pressed upon HIS forehead would cause swelling of the face twice the size of normal with bruised colorations). HIS bodily appearance would also be marred more than the sons of men. Verse 15 speaks to the expanding outreach of the gospel to those who hadn’t previously seen nor heard with such an impact that even the global leaders would have to respect in the influence of their people so that the mouths of kings would be silenced. Now, in Isaiah 53:3-5 is a clear and accurate description of the sufferings of Jesus prior and upon the cross. Verse 6 mentions that “the LORD has laid on HIM the iniquity of us all, who have strayed away like sheep without a shepherd. Verse 7 mentions that HE opened not HIS mouth (in self-defense) while brought to HIS death like a lamb to the slaughter. Verse 8 mentions that HE was cut off from the land of the living and stricken because of the transgressions of MY people. Verse 9 mentions that HE died with the wicked (criminals) on the cross: yet, HE was buried in a rich man’s tomb (belonging to Joseph of Arimathae.) Verse 10 reads: “Yet, it pleased the LORD to bruise HIM and put HIM to grief; when YOU shall make HIS soul an offering for sin. (After HIS offering), HE shall see HIS seed (legacy of followers) and HE shall prolong HIS days (for an eternity). The pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in HIS hand (reign). Verse 11 reads: “HE shall see of the (great) travail of HIS soul; yet, HE shall be satisfied. By HIS (revelation) knowledge (of covenants) shall MY righteous servant justify many for HE shall bear their iniquities. The word “bear” here means “to lift up so that these can be removed”. Because MY servant has poured out HIS soul unto death; therefore, I will give HIM a great portion (inheritance) so that HE can give from it to HIS strong followers. See verse 12. HE was numbered (associated) with the transgressors so that HE can bare the sin of many as HE makes intercession for the transgressors. See Hebrews 7:25. The idea of “bare” here in verse 12 is to sustain us while we are growing into completion of maturity. Now, all of this biblical material in Isaiah is an obvious reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder then that the typical Jewish synagogue today refuses to have it read in their houses of worship. Therefore, this is a great example of Scriptures Ignored. Now back to our story in Luke chapter 24 as it relates to the 2 men on the road to Emmaus. They invite Jesus to abide with them in their dwelling place in Emmaus since dusk is approaching. As Jesus blessed the bread and broke it before giving it to them; their eyes were opened to recognize HIM as Jesus. Verse 32 reads: “Did not our hearts burn within us, while HE talked with us on the road as HE opened up to us the (prophetic) scriptures?”. The impact of HIS teachings resulted in a physical sensation in their emotions that they would never forget and it would remain with them for the remainder of their lives on earth. They were so astonished by this that they left that same hour to go back to Jerusalem where they found the eleven disciples gathered together plus others there. These 2 men reported to them what Jesus had expounded unto them from the prophetic scriptures. Why were they burning in their hearts so that they reported with passion to those in Jerusalem? The answer is that this restored their hope that God was completely in control. While the 2 men were still speaking, Jesus appeared in the midst of them saying: “Peace be unto you”. Verse 36. Then, Jesus presented HIS hands and feet for examination and touching. 1st John 1:1 records: “That which was from the beginning, whom we have heard, whom we have seen with our eyes ..and our hands have handled is the Word of Life. Verse 2 indicates that this Life manifested to them is the source of Eternal Life, who was with the Heavenly Father. Then, Jesus asked for meat to eat. They gave a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb, which He ate in their presence. Afterwards, Jesus further opened their understanding of the Scriptures concerning HIMSELF. Now, Jesus declares that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in HIS name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. This has been presented to you that you might believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the uniquely begotten Son of God, who gives to those (who believe in HIM) the right to become partaking sons and daughters of the One True God. Read John 1:12.


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