Restoration of Simon Peter

Simon Peter professed to be so sure that he would follow through with his proclamation that he would follow Jesus even if it meant prison and death. However, Jesus knew Simon Peter better than he knew himself on this issue. In Luke 22:33 is recorded these words from Simon Peter: “And he said unto HIM, LORD; I am ready to go with you, both into prison and to death”. This was on the backside of Jesus saying to Peter: “Simon, Simon, behold. Satan has desired to have you so that he may sift you as wheat. But, I have prayed for you that your faith fail not. When you are converted, strengthen your brethren (brothers).” Luke 22:31-32. After Simon Peter responds to that dark possibility from Jesus; then, Jesus said to him: “I tell you, Peter, that the cock (rooster) shall not crow this day before that you shall thrice (3 times) deny that you know ME”. Fast forward to the Gethsame Garden scene where Jesus is agonizing in prayer. In Luke 22:49 are recorded the words of HIS disciples: “LORD, shall we smite with the sword?”. One of them cut off the right ear of the servant of the High Priest as in verse 50. That one was Simon Peter according to John 18:10. Jesus picked up the cut off ear and restored it back into its place as in verse 51. After Jesus performed this ear restoration, HE said to Peter: “Put up your sword into the sheath. The cup which MY Father has given ME, shall I not drink it?”, as in John 18:11. This action and these words from Jesus must have stunned Simon Peter, who must have expected Jesus to fight for HIS life. Simon Peter fled from the scene like the other disciples did; however, he followed from far off, as in Luke 22:54. He sat with a crowd that was watching the priests interrogating Jesus. There was a fire kindled there. A young lady earnestly looking upon Peter as he sat by the fire. She said: “This man was also with HIM”. Peter denied that, saying” “Woman, I know HIM not”. After a little while, another saw him, saying: “You are also of them”. Peter blurted out: “Man, I am not”. After about the space of one hour, another confidently affirmed, saying: “Of a truth, this fellow also was with HIM: for he is a Galilean”. Immediately, Peter spoke out vehemently: “Man, I know not what you are saying”. While, Peter was yet speaking, the rooster crowed . See Luke 22:55-60. The LORD turned and looked upon Peter, who then remembered the word of the LORD concerning him at this time. (61) Then, Peter went out and wept bitterly. Peter did not know at that point that the Lord Jesus Christ would show HIS forgiveness and love to him then restore him to the work of the Divine Kingdom. Fast forward to John chapter 21. Simon Peter had talked other disciples into fishing. Not yet recognized as Jesus, HE was standing on the shore asking them if they had caught any fish. Then, HE told them to cast the nets on the right side of the ship. When they arrived on shore, they all recognized Jesus and accepted HIS invitation to eat what HE had prepared for them. After eating, Jesus began to dialogue with Peter. Three times, Jesus gives this question to Peter: “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love ME? The first time, HE adds these words: “more than these”. The first 2 times, Jesus uses the word “agape” for “love”. “Agape” means “a divine enablement to love with God’s love”. Each time, Peter answers with “phileo” for “love”. “Phileo” means “affection and a high esteem of the highest order”. Obviously, Simon Peter is not sure of himself as he was before. Peter adds: “Yea, LORD, YOU know that I love you”. The 3rd time, Jesus meets Simon Peter at the lower level of love that he is most comfortable with signified by the word “phileo”. What direction does the Lord Jesus Christ give to Peter each of the 3 times? Feed MY lambs and sheep. What is Jesus doing with that direction? HE is giving Peter a positive direction to dwell on rather than dwelling on his 3 denials of HIS Master? I am convinced that Peter was forgiven and restored; but, most importantly, Peter was given the ability to forgive himself.


Fulfilling HIS Joy


Scriptures Ignored