Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Dangers of Lying

Out of a heart of great compassion directed by the Holy Spirit, the wealthier members of the 1st generational Body of Christ sold their lands & houses so that they could deposit the money acquired at the discretion of the Apostle in order to help those in real poverty need. Read Acts 4:34. There was no legislation requiring them to do so. Neither was there any social peer pressure to do so. This was a matter redistribution that the Holy Spirit caused to happen. With HIS help and guidance, our charity for others should abound more in knowledge (wisdom) plus in all judgement (proper discernment), as in Philippians 1:9. Communist movements have come into power by stirring up the lower classes with promises of bigger amounts of income from redistribution. They used the masses to overthrow the established government of that day. In doing so, they destroyed the middle class while making those collaborating with the new Socialist regime far more powerful than before. Farms and businesses were seized by the Socialist Marxists so that the government would be in control of daily operations. To hold and sustain all this together under Socialist control, there had to be a huge sacrifice of freedoms. This was the far opposite from what was happening with the great generosity in the 1st century Body of Christ. The Apostles were deserving of the sacred trust of having large amounts of cash placed in their discretion in order to help the needy among them. It was simply the Holy Ghost moving on the hearts of those Distribution was made by the Apostles to every man according as he or she had need. A man named Ananias with Sapphira, his wife, sold some property. They kept back part of the price. They were entitled to do that if they chose to do so. However, they pretended to give the total sum of the sale of their property. Peter said: Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Ghost as you have kept back part of the price of your land? (Acts 5:3) While it remained (unsold), was it not your own? After it was sold, was it (the money) not in your own power? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men, but unto God. (5:4) As Ananias heard these words from Peter, he fell down and died. Great fear came on all them that heard of this. (5) The young men arose and carried him out so that they could bury him. (6) It was about the space of 3 hours after that when his wife (Sapphira) came in without knowing what had happened to her husband. (7) Peter questioned her: Tell me whether you sold the land for so much? She agreed with the amount that Peter mentioned. (8) Then Peter said to her: How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of them which have buried the husband are at the door so that they can carry you out. (9) Then, she fell down immediately and died. The same young men came in, finding her to be died, and took her out to be buried. (10) As a result of this, great fear came upon all the church and upon as many as heard about this. (11) As a result, some people dared not join this new movement as they were afraid that their sinfulness would be exposed. Nevertheless, the culture of that day magnified them because of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in their midst. (13) This reverential fear (respect for the supernatural) did provide for a spiritual environment for miracles to take place through the Apostles. See verses 12, 15-16. Your lying may not result in your premature, immediate death; however, there are consequences that you must deal with. Consider Luke 12:2-3. There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid that shall not be known. Therefore, whatsoever that you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light. That which you have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Back in the Bible times, the housetops were flat surrounded by walls about 4 feet in height. When an announcement was to be made to the village, the family would stand on the top of their house and get the villagers attention for making an announcement (perhaps by clapping or whistling, etc.). When the villagers had gathered around the house, the announcement would be made like an engagement, death, etc. Today, our modern rooftops often have television equipment to receive television waves so that we can view the local and national news. Therefore, the equivalent of what Jesus was saying about it proclaimed from the housetops for today is having it placed it into the television news. Here is another scripture to consider along the lines of having your lies discovered. Numbers 32:23. Be sure that your sin will find you out. People who habitually lie to others have to labor at remember what they told to whom and how they said it. It is much easier to simply tell the truth consistently.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Purposes of HIS Resurrection

Without the resurrection of Jesus, the impact of HIS death on the cross for our salvation would be limited. God vindicated HIS Eternal Son as the Perfect Sacrifice and Exalted Lord of all when HE raised HIM from the dead. God wouldn’t do so for a man who lied about his identity. However, the testimony of Jesus about HIMSELF was true in word and miracles. Jesus said often that HIS Father bears witness of HIMSELF with a true witness as do the Holy Scriptures. Jesus was either the greatest egomaniac that ever lived or HE was simply who HE said that HE was. Romans 1:3-4 reads: “Concerning HIS Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh. This same ONE was declared to be the (Eternal) Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, BY the resurrection from the dead”. I capitalized the word “BY” in the 4th verse here because the resurrection is the defining factor in HIM being declared to be the Exalted and Eternal Son of God according to what is right or according to the Spirit of holiness. Because of the resurrection of HIM, we have received a divine enablement to minister grace in the apostleship that HE gives to operate so that we can bring the nations into obedience to the faith for HIS name’s sake. See verse 5. From that, we can see that the resurrection power shared with us through HIS impartation to us is what we need to have the endurance and stamina to continue ministering in HIS name to the nations despite all the demonic obstacles thrown against us. HIS resurrection power imparted to us is that single overcoming factor to free us from the entanglements of sin working frustration in us because of the legal demands slaying our hopes of being righteous. In Romans chapter 7, Paul describes a man finding himself not doing the things that he knows that he should and doing the things that he knows is wrong. This man finds out that he is captivity to the law of sin which is in his members. What a heightened sense of frustration that is. Sin, taking occasion by the holy commandment, has deceived him. By this, he is slain spiritually. Therefore, such a man cries out with anguish: “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (7:24) Thank God that this man does not have to stay stuck in this pitiful and wretched existence!! We move onto the glorious 8th chapter in Romans. Verses 1 to 2 read: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death”. That Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the resurrection life. Romans 8:10 reads: “If Christ be in you, the body is dead (silenced) because of sin; but, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. Even stronger in verse 11 following: “But if the Spirit of HIM that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you; then, HE that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by HIS Spirit that dwells in you”. It gets even better with verses 12 & 13: “Therefore, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh to live after the flesh. For if you live after the flesh, you shall die; but, if you live through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body; then, you shall (truly) live (the abundant life). “ There is a vast difference between carnally minded leading to spiritual death and spiritually minded leading to life and peace. Will you choose to be spiritually minded? Will you be so foolish as to be carnally minded ruled by your body of sin?

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

This Is That

It all begins with an idea.

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter explains what has happened with these words: “this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel”. See Acts 2:16. Verse 17 reads: “It shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out of MY Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams”. Verse 18 reads: “On MY servants and MY handmaidens, I will pour out in those days of MY Spirit and they shall prophesy”. I choose not to go further in this quotation from Joel as it pertains to signs and wonders in the heavens above and the earth beneath; because, it is far more important for our discussion here to focus on the content of verses 17 and 18. That’s because it is the appropriate explanation for what is happening through the 120 persons speaking in supernatural languages in the languages known to these visitors from other areas of the world. The Galileans only knew the Hebrew/Aramaic language. In order to be able to speak fluently, intelligently, and understandably in the language of each language group represented, it required supernatural assistance to do so. How was this accomplished? Acts 2:4 reads: “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”. Therefore, the 120 were speaking in these supernatural languages totally dependent upon the Holy Ghost giving them the direction to do so. Now, an utterance of tongues plus the interpretation of it equals prophecy. Prophecy both exhorts strongly the hearers to a divinely designated outcome and predicts the future. In Acts 2:11, the people being spoken to by supernatural languages said that “we hear them speak in our dialects the wonderful works of God”. That means that they were being prophesied to by combination of tongues and interpretation of tongues. Therefore, the Old Testament passage that Peter chose for the explanation of the events of that Day was appropriate. However, it was not entirely in the right time frame as the time frame of Joel. We can see the truth of this last statement by studying the historical context of verses before Joel 2:28-29 and afterwards. Joel 2:20 speaks to the Lord God Almighty removing a northern army away from Israel. In the times that Peter spoke of this prophecy from Joel, the Roman army was an army from the north occupying and oppressing the Israelites in their homeland. Furthermore, the last words of Joel 2:26 and 27 proclaim: ‘and MY people shall never be ashamed”. There has been shame that other nations have directed harshly toward Israel for multi-generations even until today. Yet, the first few words of Joel 2:28 start this way: “And it shall come to pass afterward”. In other words, the total fulfillment of HIS Spirit being poured must happen after what is mentioned to happen takes place. Joel 3:1 reads: “For behold, in those days and in that time, when I will bring Judah and Jerusalem” back to restoration. At the time, it says that HE will gather all nations into a valley of decision so that HE can execute judgment upon them. Egypt shall be a desolation and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness. Has that happened yet? The simple answer is no. Now, was Peter wrong to use the quote “this is that “when referring to Joel 2:28-29? Peter tweaked those first few words of Joel 2:28 to say: “And it shall come to pass in the last days”. Peter recognized that since Jesus the Christ appeared on earth (revealed as God, the Eternal Son clothed in flesh); it became the countdown for the last days. This then was the beginning of the end of an old era of God’s dealings with Israel and the new era of giving supernatural help to live a victorious life of true righteousness through the resurrection power that Jesus imparts to HIS followers. Peter sensed what Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 43:19 reading: “Behold, I will do a new thing. Now, it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?”. Previous verse 18 reads: “Remember you not the former things, neither consider the things of old”. Peter also sensed what Ezekiel prophesied in Ezekiel 36:26-27, reading: “A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh so that I can give you a heart of tenderness towards ME. And I will put MY Spirit within you so that I may cause you to walk in MY statutes and keep MY judgments to do them”. Peter nailed it right on as far as what Isaiah and Ezekiel said as recorded in these mentioned passages. What we see in the time frames in Joel chapters 2 and 3 speak to an open time expansion (even to this time today) of receiving the baptism in the Holy Ghost plus the spiritual gifts listed in 1st Corinthians 12:8-10. The possible access to it has never ceased. Peter speaks to this in Acts 2:38-39 in saying this gift or promise is for you, your children, to those far off, and as many as the Lord our God shall call. To God be the glory for making it so.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

The Great Climax

It all begins with an idea.

On the Day of Pentecost, there were three thousand persons added to the apostolic church. That didn’t cause a controversial clash with the Jewish priesthood right away; however, it was inevitable that it would happen at some point. Surely, the religious leaders were keeping themselves very informed about this new movement. The new additions continued steadfastly in the doctrines of the apostles, and fellowship such as breaking of bread (communion) and prayers. There was a spirit of reverential fear that fell upon the common people concerning the first generational Body of Christ. Many signs and wonders were done by the Holy Spirit through the apostles. The crescendo towards a great conflict with the religious leadership was beginning to climb upwards toward a collision course. All they that believed were together in one mindset and in one heart relationship. Some of the wealthier members sold their possessions & goods so that they could help those in real poverty need. So, they continued daily in the Temple plus from house to house. There was great joy that was greatly evident among them. As they continued to praise the Lord Jesus, favor was given to them with all the common people of Jerusalem. The church continued to grow as the Lord Jesus added to the church daily such as should be saved. The crescendo kept climbing upwards towards a climax of conflict. Peter and John, while going up to the Temple at 3 pm in the afternoon (Jewish 9th hour); they met a man who was born lame from his mother’s womb. He was asking alms of those passing by. What he received from Peter & John instead was a miraculous healing. Peter commanded him: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. While saying this, Peter grabbed him by his right hand lifting him up. Immediately, his feet, ankle bones, and legs received strength. Out of sheer joy, the man began to leap and run for joy. Surrounding people did recognize him as the lame man who had been there day after day begging for alms because of his lame condition. Some knew that he had been lame from birth. They were filled with amazement at that which had happened to him. This drew a rather large crowd at Solomon’s porch in the Temple to find out who was responsible for this man’s healing. Peter gave glory to faith in the name of Jesus the Christ. Then, Peter preached Jesus to them plus their need to repent. Soon, the temple guards came to escort Peter and John to confinement so that the next day; they could be questioned by the Jewish leadership. That day, that Peter spoke to the people at Solomon’s porch (before he was escorted away); there were five thousand men that became believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, the great climax is ready to happen. As many as were of the kindred of the high priest were invited to attend the questioning. Their first question was: “By what power or by what name, have you done this (for this lame man)? Peter answers: By Jesus Christ of Nazareth does this man stand here fully recovered. This is the same Jesus, whom you crucified. HE is the chief cornerstone, whom you builders have rejected. There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Peter could have simply answered saying: Jesus healed this man without mentioning their sin in crucifying HIM. However, Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, who gave him great boldness. The religious leaders marveled at the boldness and authority of both men noting that they had been with Jesus. They threatened them by commanding them to not preach Jesus anymore; then, they let them go. When Peter and John returned to their brothers, the whole of them refused to sulk in self-pity. They did not ask God to cause the persecution to cease or diminish. Rather, they recognized that the persecution and threatening were part of God’s plan to give reason for HIM to more fully release HIS glory. As they prayed together requesting for more boldness, the place where they were was shaken by the power of God as there was another infilling of the Holy Spirit upon them all. As a result, they all spoke in boldness. As a result, great power came upon the Apostles with additional wonders happening. There was also great grace given to them as a covering for any mistakes, etc.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

The Precious Value of Wisdom

It all begins with an idea.

Consider Proverbs chapter 8 for an examination of the precious value of wisdom. Proverbs chapter 8 starts out with declaring that wisdom is crying out to be heard in order to help the simple to have a better life. Does not wisdom cry? Does not understanding put forth her voice? Wisdom stands in the top of the high places desiring to be seen. Wisdom is there in the wayside by the important paths. Wisdom cries at the gates of the cities wherein men might enter into the doors of safety and opportunity. Wisdom says: Unto you, O men, I call and my voice is to the sons of man. O you simple, I would that you would understand wisdom. You fools , be you of an understanding heart. Hear, for I will speak of excellent things. The opening of my lips shall be right things. For my mouth shall only speak of truth. There is nothing crooked or evil in any of my communications, which are plainly simple and easy to understand. My instructions are better than silver and choice gold. Yeah, my wisdom is better than rubies. All the things that could be desired are not worthy to be compared to my wisdom. I help people find out witty inventions. Riches and honor are with me; yea, even durable riches and righteousness. My fruit of wisdom is better than fine gold choice silver. I will cause those who love me to inherit property or substance so that I may fill their treasures. The Lord God Almighty possessed me in the beginning of HIS ways of setting up creation. When a man or woman fills that that he or she lacks wisdom, they may ask God for wisdom. HE will not withhold wisdom from them. James 1:5. Think of this in its most impactful connection to us. The same wisdom that the Lord God Almighty used to create all of creation can live inside of us to work for our best benefits.

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Kent Fowler Kent Fowler

Second Great Conflict

It all begins with an idea.

Awesome respect was given to the Lord’s Church; thereby, providing a set up for supernatural miracles - many in number. Acts 5:12-13. The common people did greatly magnify them because of the many supernatural miracles. The common people knew that the One True God chose to work within their community. Some hesitated to join this Church because of fear of having their sins exposed and dying because of it, such as with Ananias and Sapphira. Yet, believers were added - multitudes of men and women. (14) Miracles of healing and deliverance did continue. Sick and vexed folks from surrounding cities were all healed. (15 & 16) What was the reaction from the priests about the miracles and growth of this Lord’s Church? They should have been happy about those healed and delivered. Instead, they were filled with great wrath which was rooted in jealousy. (17) Why weren’t they happy about all these people receiving healing and deliverance? Because, they were only concerned about keeping their positions of power secure. They feared that someday, the majority of the Israelites would violently turn on them to stone them to death. (26) This is truly a vivid picture of religious sickness. There is nothing more dangerous than a misguided religious spirit. It can be the cause of extreme pain and surprise when it afflicts you. It can be very traumatizing. I have personally listened to many accounts of this while I was witnessing to people. I was able to empathize with the person communicating the pain caused by a mismanagement of a style of ministry led by a misguided religious spirit. 2nd Corinthians 3:6 indicates that God has made a precious people competent ministers of the New Testament - not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. So what we need is a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit in order to overcome any condemnation that religion brings. Romans 8:1-2 reads: “There is therefore no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk after the Spirit rather than after the flesh. For the law of the Spirit of (resurrection) life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death”. The religious leadership of the Jewish priesthood of that day was not walking in the HIS Spirit. They were obsessed with power for themselves over the common people. Therefore, they laid their hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison. God knows how to rescue the righteous as HE sees fit to do so. The angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors and brought them out. The angel said to the apostles: “Go stand and speak in the Temple to the people all the words of this life”. Acts 5:20. The apostles entered into the Temple early in the morning hours and taught the people as they were commanded to do by the angel of the Lord. The priests sent officers to bring the apostles out of the prison for their hearing before the religious council. The officers reported back that the prison was found to be securely with the keepers standing outside; however, when the doors of the prison was open in order to get to the apostles, there was no man inside. This greatly troubled the priests, who were not sure what this would lead to. Then, one came and told them, saying: “Behold, the men whom you put in prison are standing in the Temple where they are teaching the people”. The captain went with the officers went to the Temple to escort the apostles to area of the Council. There, the high priest asked them, “Did we not sternly command you that you should not teach in this name? Behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” Then, Peter and the other apostles answered: “We ought to obey God rather than men”. They were willing to obey God even if the consequences were to be death by execution that day. The fear of mortal man had been lifted off of them. They went on to say: “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging on a tree. This same Jesus has God exalted with HIS right hand to be a Prince and a Savior so that repentance plus forgiveness of sins can be given to Israel. Furthermore, they said that we are HIS witnesses of these things (including HIS resurrection appearances) and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God has given to them that obey HIM. When the council of priests heard this, they were cut to the heart as they took counsel to slay the apostles. However, a man with a great reputation among the priests as he was a doctor of the law; Gamaliel stood up to speak after the apostles were taken into another room. He started with: “You men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do as touching these men”. He reminded them of what happened to the movements of people following Theudas and Judas as both were scattered into nothing. Acts 5:38-39 reads: “And now I say unto you, refrain from these men and let them alone. If this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought. But if it be of God, you can not overthrow it and you may be found even to fight against God.” To this, the priests agreed. They called apostles back into the Council room. They flogged the apostles and commanded that they shouldn’t speak in the name of Jesus anymore. As they let them depart, the apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for HIS name. Furthermore, they ceased not to preach and teach Jesus Christ in the Temple plus in every house that welcomed them. They could have avoided teaching and preaching in the Temple because of a desire to avoid any further conflicts with the Jewish Priest Council. However, the apostles refused to be intimidated by the religious leaders of that day. What was the result of this? Acts 6:7 reads: “The Word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. Furthermore, a great number of the priests became obedient to the faith

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