The Great Climax

On the Day of Pentecost, there were three thousand persons added to the apostolic church. That didn’t cause a controversial clash with the Jewish priesthood right away; however, it was inevitable that it would happen at some point. Surely, the religious leaders were keeping themselves very informed about this new movement. The new additions continued steadfastly in the doctrines of the apostles, and fellowship such as breaking of bread (communion) and prayers. There was a spirit of reverential fear that fell upon the common people concerning the first generational Body of Christ. Many signs and wonders were done by the Holy Spirit through the apostles. The crescendo towards a great conflict with the religious leadership was beginning to climb upwards toward a collision course. All they that believed were together in one mindset and in one heart relationship. Some of the wealthier members sold their possessions & goods so that they could help those in real poverty need. So, they continued daily in the Temple plus from house to house. There was great joy that was greatly evident among them. As they continued to praise the Lord Jesus, favor was given to them with all the common people of Jerusalem. The church continued to grow as the Lord Jesus added to the church daily such as should be saved. The crescendo kept climbing upwards towards a climax of conflict. Peter and John, while going up to the Temple at 3 pm in the afternoon (Jewish 9th hour); they met a man who was born lame from his mother’s womb. He was asking alms of those passing by. What he received from Peter & John instead was a miraculous healing. Peter commanded him: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. While saying this, Peter grabbed him by his right hand lifting him up. Immediately, his feet, ankle bones, and legs received strength. Out of sheer joy, the man began to leap and run for joy. Surrounding people did recognize him as the lame man who had been there day after day begging for alms because of his lame condition. Some knew that he had been lame from birth. They were filled with amazement at that which had happened to him. This drew a rather large crowd at Solomon’s porch in the Temple to find out who was responsible for this man’s healing. Peter gave glory to faith in the name of Jesus the Christ. Then, Peter preached Jesus to them plus their need to repent. Soon, the temple guards came to escort Peter and John to confinement so that the next day; they could be questioned by the Jewish leadership. That day, that Peter spoke to the people at Solomon’s porch (before he was escorted away); there were five thousand men that became believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, the great climax is ready to happen. As many as were of the kindred of the high priest were invited to attend the questioning. Their first question was: “By what power or by what name, have you done this (for this lame man)? Peter answers: By Jesus Christ of Nazareth does this man stand here fully recovered. This is the same Jesus, whom you crucified. HE is the chief cornerstone, whom you builders have rejected. There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Peter could have simply answered saying: Jesus healed this man without mentioning their sin in crucifying HIM. However, Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, who gave him great boldness. The religious leaders marveled at the boldness and authority of both men noting that they had been with Jesus. They threatened them by commanding them to not preach Jesus anymore; then, they let them go. When Peter and John returned to their brothers, the whole of them refused to sulk in self-pity. They did not ask God to cause the persecution to cease or diminish. Rather, they recognized that the persecution and threatening were part of God’s plan to give reason for HIM to more fully release HIS glory. As they prayed together requesting for more boldness, the place where they were was shaken by the power of God as there was another infilling of the Holy Spirit upon them all. As a result, they all spoke in boldness. As a result, great power came upon the Apostles with additional wonders happening. There was also great grace given to them as a covering for any mistakes, etc.


This Is That


The Precious Value of Wisdom