Fulfilling HIS Joy

At the time of HIS Passover supper with HIS disciples, the divine expectations of Jesus for the future were elevated above the normal human perspective. In John chapter 15, Jesus speaks of HIMSELF being the True Vine and HIS Father being the vine keeper. Every branch in ME that bears no fruit; HE takes it away so that it can be cast into the fire to be burned. Verses 2 & 6. Every branch that bears fruit, HE purges or prunes it so that it may bring forth more fruit. Verse 4 reads: “Abide in ME and I in you. As the branch can’t bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except that you abide in ME”. By so abiding in ME, you shall bring forth much fruit, as in verse 5. This is also the key to answered prayer. Then, Jesus says: “Herein is MY Father glorified when you bear much fruit: so shall you be MY disciples”, as in John 15:8. Jesus was expecting a group of disciples to bear much fruit. Jesus continues: “As the Father has loved ME, so have I loved you. Continue you in MY love”, as in verse 9. How does one know that he is continuing in HIS love? By keeping HIS commandments as in verse 10. Was Jesus making it difficult to walk in HIS ways to eternal life? Not according to John 15:11, which reads: “These things have I spoken unto you, that MY joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full”. Joy is greatly needed in our walk in HIM - especially when it involves dealing with the hate that the evil world has for us. That may include bodily persecution and even death. See what Jesus has to say about this in verses 18 to 25. In this Passover setting, Jesus emphasized 3 times HIS command to love one another, even as I have loved you. See John 15:12, 17 and John 13:34-35. The latter mention of this lets us know that this is how all men shall know that you are MY disciples (35). We may think that as Christians, we truly love one another. However, we need to search our hearts to see if we love each other as HE loves us. That is the key to John 15:8 & 16 being true - that whatsoever we ask of the Father shall be given to us. Jesus is also desiring that our fruit would remain, as in verse 16. Are you fulfilling HIS joy today? Have you received of the power of the Holy Ghost through the baptism in the Holy Ghost so that you can be effective in a very evil culture? Jesus told HIS disciples to wait in Jerusalem so that they could be endued with power to be HIS witnesses even to the uttermost parts of the earth. Are you willing to receive every help that the Father has to give to us?


Spirit Led Friendship Evangelism


Restoration of Simon Peter