Verifications of HIS Death And Resurrection

Some religious groups have claimed that Jesus was in a “swoon” condition - appearing to be dead, yet not completely dead. To counter this, let us study the text of John 19:31-37. The Jewish leadership insisted that Pilate issue the order that the bodies be removed from the crosses because of the high sabbath day, as in verse 31. With 2 of the 3 crucified men, it was necessary to break their legs because they were still alive. (32) But when they came to Jesus, they saw that HE was dead already; therefore, the Roman soldiers didn’t break HIS legs. (33) Verse 34 reads: “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced HIS side. Immediately, there came out blood and water. This indicates that the spear pierced the pericardium (watery sac around the heart); thus, indicating a ruptured heart. If HE had died yet, the spear piercing deep into HIS side would have certainly killed HIM. These Roman soldiers were extremely skilled in executing the crucifixions plus in determining if a crucifixion victim had died. We believe that Jesus had already died previous to this spear piercing. John 19:30 ~ “HE bowed HIS head and gave up the ghost. At this point, Luke records (23:46) that Jesus said: Father, into YOUR hands, I commend (commit) MY Spirit”. The result of a ruptured heart is that the cavities of the heart and the surrounding vessels contained a watery fluid. The presence of blood and water gushing out separately indicates a surety of death. Consider that HE was flogged 39 times with a whip consisting of braided leather thongs intertwined with metal balls and sharp bone pieces before HE even got to the cross. This method of punishment would kill most men. The flogging resulted in the following. (1) The heart would face to pump blood that was lacking in the rest of the body. (2) Hypovolemic shock. (3) Exposure of internal organs to the outside elements. (4) The victim could collapse or faint due to low blood pressure. (5) Kidneys would shut down to preserve body fluids. (6) Victim would experience extreme thirst. The sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock causes fluid to gather in the sac around the heart and around the lungs. In other words, Jesus was in critical condition before HE was nailed to the cross. John 19:35 reads: “He that saw it (piercing by the spear) bears record of it and his record is true. He knows that what he says is true, so that you might believe”. We believe that verse 35 is referring to John, who was standing there with Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is so important that the leg bones of Jesus were not broken. God had commanded the Israelites not to break the bones of the Passover lamb as in Exodus 12:46 & Numbers 9:12. Psalms 34:20 is surely a prophecy about the legs of Jesus not being broken. John 19:36 reads: “For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of HIM shall not be broken. Another scripture fulfilled says, “They shall look upon HIM whom they pierced”. This refers to Zechariah 12:10. It is partially not fulfilled; because, the Israelites will later mourn for HIM with a great mourning as for an only son. That is when HE comes back as the conquering Messiah as described in Revelation chapter 19. Now as to the burial and resurrection, Joseph of Arimathaea requested Pontius Pilate to give him the privilege of burying the body of Jesus, as in verse 38. We believe that Jesus was laid in a tomb that Joseph had built for himself, as in Matthew 26:60. This serves as an important proof of HIS resurrection - a specific empty tomb that people in the 1st century A.D. could examine as they are deciding whether or not to join the Christian faith. Let us go to Mathew 27:65 indicates that Pilate gave orders for a Roman guard. From history, we know that this guard would be rotated every 4 hours so that the Roman soldiers would be fresh and fully awake. They also sealed the stone at the entrance tomb with a secure seal that would not be normally undone. (66) The women coming to the tomb wouldn’t know about this seal. The stone covering the tomb weighed 2 tons and required several men to set it in place against a rock conclave that kept it from further rolling downward. What happened to the stone is answered in Matthew 28:2, reading: “Behold, there was a great earthquake when the angel of the Lord descended from heaven. This angel (with supernatural strength) rolled back the stone from the entrance and sat upon it”. The countenance of the (giant) angel was like lightning and his clothing white as snow with sun in full strength shining upon it. Verse 4 reads: “For fear of him (the angel) the keepers (Roman guards) did shake and became as dead men (muscle paralysis)”. Matthew 28:11 indicates that these Roman soldiers in that guard detail told the truth unto the chief priests about the angel and what had happened. In response to this, the elders gave large amounts of money to the soldiers to tell others a different story about HIS disciples stealing the body of Jesus while we slept. (12-13) If Roman soldiers went to sleep during an important guard assignment, they would be executed to death. Therefore, the chief priests promised to protect them from order of execution by Pontius Pilate. To destroy the momentum of this Christ followers movement, the Jewish priest leadership only had to produce a credible corpse of Jesus. No biblical nor historical record of any attempts to do so. The greatest proof of HIS resurrection is the most radical and complete transformation of HIS disciples willing to make any sacrifices (including death as a martyr) to preach Jesus as far as possible as quickly as possible. They left their established occupations to be full time in preaching and teaching the resurrected Jesus despite all difficulties pressed against them. At one time, 500 believers saw the resurrected Jesus, as in 1st Corinthians 15:6. The facts have been presented to you. Now, what will you do with a resurrected Jesus? Will you give your life to the ONE who died for you to pay for your sins from a heart of great love for you then promises you HIS resurrection power to live a life pleasing to God? If not, you will be subject to eternal torment in a lake of fire.


Mars Hill Message


Parameters of HIS trial, death, and resurrection