After Jesus asked HIS disciples who they thought that HE was, Peter responded with a revelation from the God, the Eternal Father, saying: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Matthew 16:16. Jesus responded by affirming Peter concerning this revelation. Upon this revelation of who Jesus is, HE will build HIS church and the gates (leadership) of hell shall not prevail against it. (18) From that time forth, Jesus began to reveal to HIS disciples how that HE must go to Jerusalem where HE would suffer many things from the elders, chief priests, and scribes leading up to HIS death. Then, Jesus would be raised up the 3rd day. (21) Now, Peter was right on with declaring the identify of his teaching rabbi; however, his response to what Jesus said that HE would experience in Jerusalem was influenced by Satan himself. (22-23) Peter rebuked Jesus saying: “Be it far from you, Lord. This shall not be unto you”. Jesus replied: “Get you behind me, Satan. You are an offence unto ME for you don’t savor (take pleasure in) the things that be of God. Instead, you savor the things that be of men”. Peter was a classic example of all the disciples. They heard the words about HIS trial, death, and resurrection. However, they didn’t let these words sink into their hearts. Why was it so important for Jesus to speak of this clearly and often? It was primarily for the purpose of preparing HIS disciples for the time of HIS trial and death. However, it demonstrates to us today that what happened to HIM was not a random happening in history. Instead, it was divinely calculated to be inserted in the events of humanity at the most appropriate time. Galatians 4:4 reads in part: “But when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth HIS Son…”. Now as Jesus is speaking to HIS disciples, HE is being more time specific concerning HIS trial, death, and resurrection. It’s obvious that Satan greatly influenced Peter in an attempt to move Jesus away from HIS firm decision to go through all of the predetermined sufferings including HIS death on the cross. It didn’t work as Jesus recognized the source behind these words of Peter. Jesus knew beyond any doubt that HE must suffer these things even if none of HIS disciples could accept it. Matthew 20:18-19 is another recording of HIS declarations of parameters in regard to HIS trial, death, and resurrection. Read this passage so that you could note that HE identifies the parties that will be involved in troubling HIM in HIS sufferings and death. Jesus speaks of being mocked, scourged, and crucified by the Gentiles. HE also mentions again that HE will rise from the dead on the 3rd day. Why is it so important that HE declares several times the time element of HIS resurrection? That is because it is the sign of HIS absolute authority likened to the sign of the prophet Jonah being in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Matthew 12:39-40. Therefore, Jesus was not placed on the cross on Friday. Simple arithmetic doesn’t come with 3 days and 3 nights if Jesus was resurrected before Sunday dawn. I believe that Jesus was nailed to the cross on Wednesday afternoon and died at approximately 3 pm. Wednesday to Thursday is one day. Thursday to Friday is the 2nd day. Friday to Saturday is the 3rd day. How much simpler could that be? Furthermore, the word “Easter” originally comes from the name for the goddess of fertility and should not then associated with our Christian celebration of Resurrection Sunday. Resurrection Sunday is a better and more appropriate term for this season of observing HIS crucifixion death and resurrection. Furthermore, the animal to be featured at this time is not the bunny rabbit, but the lamb pointing to the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Easter with all of its commercialized decor should be kept separate from our Christian celebration of Resurrection Weekend. The Jewish Passover occurred during this week of HIS death. The Gospels mention a preparation day or high day before the Sabbath begins. The Passover observation is a sabbath often different than the regular Sabbath that begins on Friday at dusk. Therefore, Jesus could have been crucified on a Passover day different than Friday thus providing an accurate and historical validation of HIS sign of authority likened unto the prophet Jonah.