Can These Bones Live?
Ezekiel chapter 37 records an outstanding event. The prophet Ezekiel is carried by the hand of Yahweh to a valley of dry bones without his consent. There were many bones in this valley and they were very dry. Surely, the bones did stink. Yahweh had Ezekiel walk around the dry bones for a considerable time season. Likewise, we believers go through “dry” seasons - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. During these dry seasons, our prayers seem to hit the proverbial wall without the witness of the Holy Spirit that the prayers have been answered to the affirmative in the way that we wanted them to be answered. In these situation , our faith is stretched and tested with the hope of gaining a deeper trust in the ONE who has called us to serve HIM in HIS grace for us. This is what happened to Ezekiel when the Lord God asked him the question: “Can these bones live?”. Clearly, Ezekiel didn’t have the faith to believe that these bones could live; otherwise, he would have quickly answered: “Yes”. However, Ezekiel realized that his God had carried him there without consulting with him. Therefore, he realized that Yahweh must be up to something in regard to the dry bones. Therefore, Ezekiel chose the safest possible answer. He didn’t want to say “No”;; so , he said: “Lord, you know”. Despite his doubt, Ezekiel was commanded to partner with HIS God by prophesying over these bones to live , receive skin, sinews, and breath. The command to prophesy was not a suggestion or invitation. As Ezekiel prophesied as divinely commanded to do so, a tremendous resurrection took place there in the valley of dry bones so that an exceedingly great army stood up on its feet. Are you continuing to be the warrior that God called you to be by prophesying as HE tells you to do in the dry situations that you are dealing with?