The Pearl of Great Price

A pearl today (depending on size and beauty) can cost from $11,000 upward. In the case of the opening text, it cost the merchant everything he owned. See Matthew 13:45-46. Likewise to receive the eternal life through Jesus Christ, you are required to turn your entire life over to HIM. Therefore, you don’t speak a final “No” to HIM; however, you can ask for clarification on a specific issue so that you better understand how HE is going to accomplish what HE wants to do. I am presenting an acrostic out of the letters that spell P.E.A.R.L. P is for Priest of a better covenant according to the power of an endless life being sacrificed once for all. Hebrews 7:22,16,20 &21. Also, read Hebrews 8:6-8. Once for all is found in Hebrews 10:10-12. E for Emmanuel meaning God with us. Not only was HE tabernacled in flesh from birth to actually dwell among us; moreover, HE lives inside of us now through the person of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would be to us what HE was. In the Gospel of John from chapters 14 to 16, HIS words about the role of the Holy Spirit are recorded. HE will teach us in order to lead us to all truth. HE will convince or convict us concerning sin and judgment to come. HE will give the finest counsel or advice possible. Finally, when we are presented before God, the Father with the Devil present; then, we will serve as our Advocate or Defense Attorney. A for Almighty God. There is no rival to HIS rightful status as the ONLY TRUE GOD. Demons through idols may convince a people to worship them. However, the only power they have is what humanity surrenders over to them; since, humanity is supposed to rule the earth. R for Redeemer. In the Jewish tradition, there is room for a kinsman redeemer. The biblical example of this to help us understand is the person of Boaz in the book of Ruth. Jesus is that; however, HE gathers in one group peoples from every tribe and tongue so that HE can adopt them into HIS Kingdom. L for Lord as Lamb of God than later as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. HE first appeared as the Lamb of God because of foreordained sacrifice on the cross; but, God wanted us to know that identified with us in our vulnerabilities and temptations. When HE appears again to all mankind, HE comes as an awesome Conqueror to slay all the armies gathered against Jerusalem. HE comes back with King of Kings & Lord of Lords written upon HIS vesture with a mighty roar of a Lion coming out of HIS mouth. Every tongue shall confess HIM as Lord and every knee shall bow to HIM. Have you done yet? If not, you will have to admit later; yet, you will suffer eternal torment for doing within your lifetime.


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